Money-Saving Uses for Mouthwash

Mouthwash is useful for so much more than just rinsing plaque away! When it was first invented, it hailed as a surgical antiseptic, and as such it has unique properties that can save you lots of money. So before you head to the store for an athlete’s foot treatment, sanitizer, or astringent (or over a dozen other things), check out this list to see how you can replace them with mouthwash. (See also: 15 Wonderful Uses for Witch Hazel)

Note: For almost all the tips here, you want to use mouthwash that is alcohol-based (that’s one of the secret ingredients), and in most cases without sugar.

Health and Beauty

With its antiseptic properties, mouthwash is brilliant for cleaning and light medical uses. It's also great for travelers, since it's so multifunctional. Check out these creative uses for mouthwash that will keep you fresh — in more ways than one.

Nail Fungus Eradicator

Nail fungus problems can make your toenails or fingernails thick and discolored, and once you’re infected it’s incredibly difficult to eradicate. Make up a 50/50 solution of alcohol-based mouthwash and vinegar, and apply to the affected area with a cotton ball (use a new one each time) two-to-three times per day. Be warned — nail fungus is stubborn….you won’t likely see results for at least a few weeks.

Bruise Treatment

Did you go bump in the night? Waiting for a whopper of a bruise to appear? Rub some mouthwash on the affected area, and you can save yourself from a gaudy bruise (or at least reduce the appearance of it).

Poison Ivy Treatment

Stop scratching! Instead, apply some mouthwash, and not only will it relieve the itchiness and inflammation of a poison ivy attack, but it can also dry up the area and begin the healing process.

Hand Sanitizer

I once had a hand sanitizer that came in a small spray bottle, which I treasured for its convenience and sanitary properties. I’ve been searching (unsuccessfully) for a replacement ever since. Now I just use mouthwash, and I can freshen up any time. It’s also great for cleaning the kids’ hands in a pinch. (Again, make sure it’s alcohol-based and sugar-free, otherwise you’ll be a sticky mess).


Mouthwash makes an easy substitute deodorant in a pinch, with its bacteria-killing properties. Be warned though — if you just shaved your armpits, applying an alcohol-based mouthwash will sting!

After-Piercing Care

Part of the after-care process for tending to new piercings (or even caring for older ones that have become infected) is to apply a special disinfectant solution twice daily. Why not use mouthwash instead? Mouthwash is (obviously) especially handy in healing a tongue piercing.

Athlete’s Foot

In the same way that mouthwash treats nail fungus, it acts as an antiseptic for athlete’s foot. Soak a cotton ball in mouthwash and apply twice a day. You know it’s working if it stings a bit, and you should see positive results in a few days.

Foot Bath

Even if you don’t have athlete’s foot or some pesky fungus to tend to, soaking your tootsies in a mixture of mouthwash and water can refresh and soften them after a long day on your feet.

Garlic-Odor Killer

It would be stating the obvious to suggest that mouthwash — in your mouth — eliminates garlic odor. But it can also take care of the smell of garlic on your hands after you’ve handled it. Just pour some on your hands, rub them together, and let them air-dry.

Facial Astringent

Apply mouthwash (again, make sure it’s alcohol-based and sugar-free) to a cotton ball and wipe on your face after you’ve used your normal face wash. Rinse with water afterward, and you’ll have saved yourself the bulk — and cost — of a fancy facial astringent.

Clean Cuts and Scrapes

Remember, mouthwash was first used as a surgical antiseptic before people figured out its mouth-washing properties. Apply some mouthwash to your boo-boo, dry, and dress it with a bandage as necessary.

Dandruff Treatment

Not into expensive specialized dandruff shampoos? After shampooing, try rinsing your hair with a 50/50 mixture of mouthwash and water (1/2 a cup of each will do). You may have to repeat this process a few times to eradicate the dandruff completely. Bonus — your hair will smell minty fresh.

Around the House

Mouthwash cleans, sanitizes, and even revives. Here's how you can make good use of it around the house.

Keep Cut Flowers Fresh

By mixing two tablespoons of mouthwash per gallon of water and filling your flower vase with this mixture, your cut flowers will last longer (by killing the bacteria that accelerates decomposition).

Glass Cleaner

Apply mouthwash to a damp cloth and go to town on glass surfaces. Dry with a cotton cloth.

Computer Screen Cleaner

As long as your computer screen is glass (DO NOT use this technique on LCD screens!), you’ll save mad money on specialty computer screen cleaners by simply using the technique above to remove smudges and computer dust.

Laundry Sanitizer

In the same way that mouthwash removes bacteria from your mouth, you can remove it from your laundry as well. Add one cup to the regular cycle of a full load of laundry (make sure the mouthwash is sugar-free and alcohol-based).

This is especially handy for those stinky gym socks; mouthwash kills all the bacteria that is sometimes left behind in a regular wash.

Toothbrush Cleaner

Mouthwash cleans your teeth; why not your toothbrush as well? A rinse with or dunk in a cup of mouthwash before brushing will ensure your toothbrush is clean and free of the bacteria hanging around your bathroom. Eeeww.

Toilet Cleaner

Out of toilet bowl cleaner? No problem. Just pour a cup of mouthwash into the toilet, let it sit for half an hour, and give it a swish with the toilet brush.

Plant Rescue

A mixture of 25% mouthwash and 75% water sprayed onto your plant leaves rescues them from mildew and fungus. Don’t do this more than once per week, though.



42 Alternative and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste

Find out why toothpaste is the most amazing thing in your house. Use it to clean faucets, soothe insect bites, polish furniture, and get rid of carpet stains.

alternative and unusual uses for toothpaste


Image from Arek Kolek 

There is something truly wonderful sitting in your bathroom cabinet or on the side of your sink right now. And you probably have no idea how innovative and practical it really is. You use it every day and you rely on it for something very special. It is, of course, your toothpaste. Yes, the humble tube of toothpaste is just a little bit magical.

Would you believe that toothpaste, literally, has a hundred different uses? It can be used as a soothing balm for insect bites, a cleaning solution for plastic furniture, a skunk deodorizer, and a way to get crayon marks off wallpaper. You can use toothpaste to remove dirt from piano keys, to de-fog hard contact lenses, and get rid of those pesky stains on the skin when applying coloured hair dyes.

In fact, there is very little that toothpaste cannot do. Including remove scratches from CDs and DVDs and reduce the appearance of bruises. If you don’t believe it, you can try a couple (or a lot) of these alternative uses for yourself. It’s not as if toothpaste is in short supply, so why not have a little fun with it? You might just find yourself a pretty cool new life hack.

Ultimately though, toothpaste does one job better than all of the others – it keeps our teeth clean. To make sure that your teeth and gums always stay healthy, brush twice a day and floss regularly. Be careful not to brush too hard or to use too much toothpaste. It is a common mistake to overcompensate on both these things, but you really only need a pea sized amount of toothpaste and a gentle degree of pressure for pearly whites.

This guide to some of the most unusual and alternative uses for toothpaste will help you get to grips with this magnificently minty stuff.  

Medicinal and Therapeutic Uses

Relief for a Stinging Burn

The next time that you catch your wrist or finger on the stove, try applying a little toothpaste for a soothing and cooling solution. Make sure that you cover the burn in cold water immediately, as recommended, and then cover the affected area until the burn is contained within a minty barrier.

Clear Spots & Zits Quickly

This is a very old trick, so you might have heard of it before. If you develop a problem spot or zit on your face, you can dry it out and speed up its ‘lifespan’ by covering it with a dab of toothpaste. Leave it in place overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Keep Nails Strong & Clean

You can use toothpaste to strengthen and clean your fingernails. All that you have to do is apply a little to a regular toothbrush (ideally not the one that you also brush your teeth with) and scrub gently over the tops. This is only recommended for people with healthy nails. If yours are already dry and prone to breaking, this could make them worse.

Treat Poison Ivy Stings

If you are unlucky enough to get a rash or a sting from contact with poison ivy, use toothpaste to take away the worst of the irritation. Just apply gently to the affected area and leave to rest for 10 minutes. Then, wash away carefully with cold soapy water. If necessary, repeat until the stinging sensations subside.

Eliminate Nasty Odours

It is easy to get left with smelly hands and fingers after cooking, especially with garlic, onions, fish, or other pungent ingredients. These odours can actually make their way into the skin cells, which is why they hang around for so long. Eliminate them quickly by scrubbing your fingertips with toothpaste.

Reduce the Appearance of Bruises

If you have a nasty bruise and you are keen to get rid of it as soon as possible, mix together a combination of skin lotion (any kind of skin cream) and toothpaste. Apply the solution to the bruise and cover it with a large band aid, so that it does not stain sheets. Leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. Repeat for another two nights or until the bruise has subsided.

Remove Gum from Hair

To get chewing gum out of hair fast and with little fuss, spread toothpaste over the affected patches. This will be messy, but worthwhile. As the toothpaste is designed to break down the sugar contained in stuff like chewing gum, you should be able to lift it right out after a while.

Tidy Up Messy Dye Patches

Everybody gets those little patches of colour on the skin when they dye their hair. It is near impossible to make sure that none of the colour solution touches the skin, especially when there is so much of it. The dye will stain the skin, but you can use small dabs of toothpaste to reverse the process and clean the hairline.

Domestic Cleaning Uses

De-scuffing Linoleum

After a while, even high quality linoleum can develop scuffs and marks from the passage of feet. You can remove these by applying toothpaste to a dry cloth and using it to scrub the marks away. Rinse when cold water when you are finished.

Remove Carpet Stains

There are few things as frustrating as a stain on a carpet, especially if you have spent a lot of money on it. But, the good news is that you can use toothpaste to make stains on carpets and soft furnishings vanish for good. Apply toothpaste directly to the stain and then scrub at it with a firm brush. This works particularly well on ink, makeup, and grass stains.

Make Crayon Marks Disappear

It can be tough to keep little ones from making their mark on wallpaper. If your tiny monster has created an artwork in precisely the wrong place, remove it safely with toothpaste. It will not damage paint or wallpaper, so it is a really effective solution. Treat the crayon marks and then leave them to rest for a day – wash off with cold water.

Give Silver Jewellery Some Sparkle

You can give silver jewellery and accessories some real sparkle by rubbing them with toothpaste. Leave them overnight to rest and then wipe clean with a soft cloth in the morning. This should really make your jewellery shine.

Improve the Look of Diamonds

You can even make diamonds look prettier with a little bit of toothpaste. Just take an old toothbrush, add a pea sized amount, and sprinkle with a little water. Use this mixture to gently scrub at the face of the diamond. Rinse thoroughly with cold water. You should never use this method for cleaning pearls, as it will damage them.

Eradicate CD/DVD Scratches

While this will probably not work for very deep scratches, it can reduce the impact of shallow marks and scuffs. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the shiny surface of the disc. Using your fingertips, stroke the toothpaste gently, so that it moves slowly to the outside edges of the disc. Rinse with cold water. You must make sure to run in circular motions, from the inside out. Avoid back and forth gestures and do not apply too much pressure.

Keep Piano Keys Clean

Piano keys get dirty quickly, because the oil from fingertips accumulates on their surface. This then draws in dust and dirt. You can use toothpaste to clean the keys by wiping gently with a soft cloth. Once clean, take a second (lint free) cloth and wipe until dry again.

Clean Baby Bottles & Containers

It is not uncommon for baby bottles to develop a slightly sour odour of old milk. But, you can get rid of this with a little toothpaste and a regular bottle scrubbing tool. You must rinse the bottles out very thoroughly afterwards, because ingesting too much fluoride can cause sickness in babies.

Make Straighteners More Efficiently

If you use hair straighteners, you have probably noticed that, as they age, they start to develop a grimy coating on the surface of their plates. This is caused by a build-up of everything from hair spray to mousse, shampoo, gel, and anything else that you might put in your hair. To remove it, let the silica in toothpaste gently ease it off the plates.

De-fog and De-mist Goggles

A lot of keen swimmers will be aware of this handy little trick. Rub a small amount of toothpaste on the lenses of goggles to remove that misty, foggy effect. You can also use this technique to get rid of foggy patches on hard contact lenses, but you do have to have a steady hand and a good eye for this – too much pressure can cause damage.

Polish a Metal Instrument

Use toothpaste to give metal instruments a brilliant shine. All it takes is a dab of the minty stuff on a soft cloth, followed by a vigorous rub. Once you are satisfied that you have cleaned thoroughly enough, use a damp cloth to remove the residue. If you are concerned about the toxicity of commercial polishes, this can be a very natural and organic alternative.

Hide Holes Left By Frames

This is a bit of a sneaky life hack, so use it carefully. If you are moving out of a rented flat or home and are worried that the landlord will question you about holes left by nails, screws, or picture frame hangers, fill them in with a little toothpaste. This will, of course, only work for very small hole. And, there is no guarantee that the spot will paint over later, so think before you paste.

Polish and Clean Chrome

Rub a little bit of toothpaste on to chrome fixtures to give them a real shine. Make sure that you rinse with cold water afterwards and buff with a soft rag or cloth.

Repair Marks on Leather

You are bound to be frustrated if your leather furniture develops scuffs, marks, or scratches. But you can make them disappear with just a little bit of toothpaste. Apply it to a soft cloth and gently rub at the affected area. The scuffs should start to subside.

Remove Watermarks from Furniture

Similarly, you can use toothpaste to get rid of watermarks and stains on furniture. Apply the toothpaste to a soft cloth and then scrub it gently – do not apply too much pressure – before wiping it dry again with a dry cloth.

Give the Drain a Nice Smell

Squeeze a line of toothpaste out and around the rim of the sink hole in your kitchen. Leave it to rest for minute. Then, turn on the tap and let the toothpaste get directed down the drain. It should coat the inside of the pipe with a pleasant smell.

Refresh Tupperware Boxes

If plastic Tupperware containers are sat unused for a long time, with their lids on, they are likely to start smelling musty and old. You can get rid of this smell by brushing the insides with a little toothpaste. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it off. Store the containers without their lids to avoid unpleasant smells in the future.

Freshen Your Car Interior

Take a couple of smears of toothpaste, on a paper towel. Fold the paper up and place it underneath your car seats, but only when the vehicle is parked in sunlight. Once it heats up, the toothpaste will begin to melt and soften and the car will fill up with a minty smell.

Polish Off Your Car Headlights

If you get scratches and scuff marks on your headlights, you need to clean them off quickly so that they do not obscure your view while driving. Rub a generous amount of toothpaste over the glass covers. Use a soft cloth to rub until the scuff marks have vanished.

Revive Tired Cell Phone Screens

When cell phones are used constantly, but not protected with a sturdy cover, they develop lots of little scratches all over the front screen. You can remove these, but you need to cover a fingertip in toothpaste and lightly rub it over the scratched areas. Rinse with a damp cloth and then leave to dry.

Plastic Garden Furniture

Stains and unsightly marks stick to plastic garden accessories more easily than you might think. However, if you combine toothpaste and water, you get a tough paste that is great for making plastic furniture sparkle again.

Reinvigorate the Kitchen Sink

This is a really easy tip, because it starts with something that most of us do all the time anyway. The next time that you are cleaning your teeth and accidentally drop a spurt of toothpaste in the sink, use it to clean and deodorize the ceramic. It works just as well as other mild cleaners and will leave your bathroom smelling divine.

Dig Grime from Refrigerator Seals

The dirt that collects in the folds of refrigerator seals is some of the hardest to clean and remove. But this is only because cloths and sponges aren’t always effective at cleaning tiny spaces. Take an old toothbrush, cover it with toothpaste and use it to clean the inside folds.

Wipe Down Shower Doors

Use a damp sponge, with a small amount of toothpaste on one side, to clean the scum and dirt that accumulates on shower doors. If you use a circular motion – moving your hands in wide circular patterns – the grime will fall away easily. After a rinse with cold water, your shower doors will look like new again.

Buff Kitchen and Bathroom Faucets

You can keep your kitchen and bathroom faucets looking tip top, by scrubbing them with toothpaste, rather than a standard bathroom cleaning product. They will shine twice as bright and smell three times as sweet.

Remove Finger Marks on Keyboard

If you are very careful and gentle, you can use a tiny amount of toothpaste to rub the grimy fingerprints off your computer or laptop keyboard. Just makes sure not to drop or smear any toothpaste in the gaps between keys – a dab on each with a finger is enough.

Domestic Laundry Uses

Get Rid of Tough Stains

While toothpaste will not remove every stain, it is always worth a try, because it can’t harm fabric. In fact, even if it does not remove the mark, it will make your clothes smell nice. Again, use an old toothbrush to scrub at the stain, because this will give you more precision.

Bring Old Shoes Back to Life

If you have a pair of sorry looking leather shoes or trainers, turn to toothpaste to get them looking fine again. Just apply the toothpaste directly to the dirtiest spots. Then, take an old toothbrush and scrub with a generous amount of pressure. Throw them in a bucket of cold water or splash them with a hose to remove the foam.

Miscellaneous uses

Stick Up Posters and Signs

In many ways, toothpaste is an even better adhesive than blu-tac or drawing pins for bedroom posters. It does not leave a mark, so it can be removed without leaving a single trace. To stick up a poster, smear a little toothpaste on each corner and a few of the edges. It should then just stick to the wall without trouble and stay there until you are ready to take it down.

Cleanse a Dirty Horse Bit

For horse owners, toothpaste is a really effective cleaner for bits and other accessories. As the bit tends to collect a lot of dirt, grime, grass, and saliva, the mild abrasive properties of toothpaste make it a great cleaner. You must make sure that you rinse all of the toothpaste away before use, because too much fluoride can be harmful for horses.

Neutralize a Skunk Attack

Yes, finally – a simply remedy for nasty skunk attacks. If you find yourself (or your dog) at the mercy of a mean skunk, get straight in the shower. Get nice and wet and then rub toothpaste over the bits of your body that were exposed. It might feel weird, but it will be worth it. After a few minutes, the fluoride will absorb most of the smell.

Maintain Die-Cast Models

Toothpaste is a really useful cleaner when it comes to intricate die cast models, especially cars and battle figures. These little models always have lots of awkward edges and corners, so get right in there with an unwanted toothbrush.

Whiten Your Own Teeth

You don’t necessarily have to splash out on expensive whiteners for sparkling teeth. You can make your own whitening solution by mixing together baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and a 3-4 drops of peppermint or spearmint flavouring. Use this mixture as a rudimentary, homemade toothpaste and it will have you teeth looking shiny in no time.

Keep Stubborn Stray Hairs in Place

Not a lot of people know that gel toothpaste contains many of the same water soluble polymers that are in commercial hair gel products. So, the next time that you are heading for a big night out, but can’t find any hair gel anywhere, slick a little bit of toothpaste on the hair. It will smell nice and it will keep stray hairs in place all night – remember, only use gel toothpaste.

The Endless Possibilities of the Toothpaste Tube

So, we have come to the end of our toothpaste odyssey. It should now be clear that this minty wonder stuff can be used for much more than just keeping your teeth clean. If you want to try any of these weird and unusual life hacks for yourself, it might be useful to wait until you have finished using toothpaste tube in the regular way (for brushing) first.

Then, take the almost empty tube and cut it across the middle with a pair of kitchen scissors. You can use a knife or a small spoon to get inside the tube and scoop out all of the toothpaste that you couldn’t get to before. You’ll get the chance to spruce up something special in a surprisingly effective way and it won’t cost you a penny either.  







One of the greatest pleasures in life is becoming a dog parent. You may be aware of how having a dog can bring numerous benefits to your life. Dogs are perceived to be faithful to their owners, not to mention they’re showy with their affection and energetic spirit. Some dog breeds also tend to be protective of their owners as they automatically bark and growl at strangers who try to step into their premises without permission. But as amazing as having a dog can be, some people may find it overwhelming and intimidating, especially if they’ve never owned one before

Here are 10 things you can do wen adopting your first dog to make your experience with your new furry friend full of loving memories and close friendship:

  • Do Your Research

Becoming a dog parent is more than just petting them and spoiling them with toys and treats. It means being responsible for all the dog’s needs in terms of health, nutrition, grooming, and human relationships. This may sound like a big job to do, but with the right guide and tips, you’re on your route to becoming the best fur parent your dog could ever have. If you’ve just recently adopted a dog, here are ten ways you can be a good fur parent for your first dog.

Before even thinking about adopting your first dog, make sure you’re ready to fully commit as a dog parent. You need to understand what a dog requires physically and mentally and ask yourself if you’re ready for the job. Your dog would fully rely on you. You may have a family, kids, friends, or work, but your dog would have no one else but you.  

To prepare yourself, do some research about dog breeds and know their different needs and lifestyles. From there, you’d have a better concept of which dog breed would best fit your lifestyle and which dog to adopt. Then talk this out with a dog adoption staff, and they’d help you find your best match.  

  • Know Your Budget

Being a fur parent also means you need to be financially prepared. Think of it as taking care of your own child. You’d need to set aside a monthly and annual budget for your dog’s expenses. This usually covers their food expenses, checkups, vaccines, grooming, and flea/heartworm preventatives. 

To help you out, it’s best to find a veterinarian who can help you establish a more accurate budget for your pet. You’d need to ask your vet for tips about the best food for your dog. They may recommend some reputable dog stores out there like Barkwash and Treat Shoppe and other high-quality dog food shops. This would help you create your dog’s monthly budget without wasting your money from buying low-quality or the wrong dog products.

  • Find A Trusted Veterinarian

It’s better to stick with one veterinarian with whom you and your dog could create a good relationship bound by trust and respect. This way, if you have questions regarding your dog’s food, health, or grooming, you can quickly call or approach your dog’s vet anytime.  

Your vet would also help you provide the right vaccines and preventative medications for your pet. With your trusted vet, you could take your dog for monthly or annual checkups. This would allow your vet to spot any potential health issues before they become worse. It’s also recommended that you give your dog some vitamins and supplements for optimal health.

  • Prepare Your House 

The moment you adopted a dog is the same moment your house also becomes their home. Since your dog would be sharing the house with you, make sure you prepare your house days before their arrival. You don’t have to worry as preparing your home for your dog isn’t as intense as baby-proofing. 

Preparing your house simply means designating a particular space for your dog’s sleeping area, blankets, food bowls, collars, and toys. You also need to get rid of any indoor plants that could be poisonous to them.

Also, don’t forget to keep electric wires and plugs hidden and tucked away to prevent your dog from chewing or getting tangled on them. Moreover, keep those medicines, disinfectants, and cleaning detergents locked in cupboards as your dog might unknowingly drink them, which could be dangerous for them.  

  • Feed Them With The Right Nutrition  

High-quality dog food won’t be cheap. That’s why financial preparedness is essential when adopting your first dog. Before you head to the dog food shop, you need to understand that every dog breed has different nutritional needs. If you want your dog to live a healthy and long life, feeding them proper nutrition is the best way to boost their life expectancy and provide them a healthy life. Besides, it’s only right to give them the best food after the dedication and loyalty they show you as their fur parent.

Aside from their breed, other factors affecting their nutritional requirements would include age, activity levels, lifestyle, allergies, and weight. So talk to your vet about creating a customized diet plan for your pet. Feeding your dog with the right food equates to healthy skin and coat, higher energy levels, healthy weight, and better moods. 

  • Be Patient In Training Your Dog

After adoption, the first few days or weeks would be challenging, especially for your dog. A new environment could be stressful for them, especially if you’ve adopted a dog that has survived a previous abuse or trauma. So don’t expect your newly adopted dog to be affectionate and clingy with you right away. There’d be days when they’d be distant and have a low appetite. The best thing to do is to be patient, stay calm, and slowly establish a routine for them.  

Avoid scolding them for not behaving the way you want them to do. Otherwise, you’d only make them more distant. Instead, be consistent with your positive interaction and still apply their daily routine until they slowly become more comfortable with their new home. 

  • Give Them Regular Exercise

Like humans, dogs also require daily exercise to achieve optimal health. However, not all dogs may require the same intensity of exercise because some dogs may need more activity than other breeds. One of the easiest ways you could provide physical exercise for your dog is by playing with them. You can give them a ball or stick and play catch, or take them to the beach with you for a good swim. If you’re only starting to get to know each other, a simple walk in the park would do.

Some of the benefits of regular playtime for dogs may include the following:

  1. Relieving their stress
  2. Boosting their energy
  3. Improving their heart’s health, balance, and muscle coordination
  4. Keeping their bones and joints healthy
  5. Boosting their mood

Aside from the physical and emotional benefits your dog could get from regular playtime, this would also strengthen your connection and relationship with your pet. You won’t know how a short time with your dog could mean so much for them. Besides, you’re also getting your own exercise. Take a few minutes each to play with your dog because happy dogs equate to healthy dogs. 

  • Let Your Dog Socialize

Letting your pet socialize and interact with other dogs and humans is good for their health. Dogs who are unsocialized or barely exposed to people other than their owner are more likely to be aggressive, defensive, and fearful when placed in unfamiliar situations. If they’re not adequately introduced to different environments, people, and situations, this may cause them to feel emotional and have mental stress.

Animals like dogs are social by nature and accustomed to living in packs. Keeping them isolated could adversely affect their mood, confidence, and overall health. So make time to take your dog outside your home and let them meet your friends and neighbors as well as their furry friends. The more active their social life is, the happier they’d grow to be. 

  • Keep Up With Their Grooming Needs

Another way to keep your dog happy and healthy is keeping up with their grooming needs. A well-groomed dog is a happy pet. Make it a habit to brush their coat or hair daily, give them a bath when needed, and trim their nails. Brushing their hair regularly would prevent their hair from getting tangled, especially if they have naturally long hair. For dog shampoo recommendations, it’s best to consult your vet.

Still another factor to look out for is your dog’s dental hygiene. You can have your vet professionally clean your dog’s teeth to keep their teeth strong and healthy.  Begin brushing their teeth daily if possible or at least weekly to minimize to related problems.

  • Be Ready For Any Emergencies

As much as you don’t want your dog to experience any injury, pain, or sickness, your preparedness is still essential. At some point, your dog may likely experience minor injuries while playing. Or they may eat something they’re not allowed to eat. So it’s your responsibility to know the basic steps in doing first-aid treatments when your dog is injured or poisoned.

It’s also helpful if you have your own dog first-aid kit filled with the necessary medications, as well as past records of their medicines and vaccines. Most importantly, always have the number of the emergency vet ready on your phone for easier contact. 





  • 1. Walk Your Dog When It's Cool

    This is an obvious tip, but one that folks sometimes don't consider enough. Spring, summer, and even fall are great seasons to take your dog out on sunny walks, but be mindful of the temperature and when and where you walk him. The best time to walk your dog is in the morning or late evening, when the pavement is cool. Avoid walking your dog in the afternoon or early evening when it's hot outside, because the pavement will be its hottest.

    2. Toughen Your Dog's Paws

    During cool times of the day, you should walk your dog on pavement, because the hard and rough surfaces will toughen the pads on your dog's paws. This will help to make her pads tougher, providing a natural resistance to damage from hot surfaces.

    3. Stay On The Grass When It's Hot

    If you end up taking your dog out during the warmer times of the day, be sure to stay on the grass and stick to shady areas. Stay away from sidewalks or any paved areas to avoid burning. A shady park can be a great place to take your dog on a warm afternoon.

  • 4. Moisturize Your Dog's Paws

    You want your dog to have tough paws, but you don't want them to get too dry or they will be more susceptible to cracking, peeling, and cuts. These dry signs in your dog's paws can also make them more susceptible to burns from hot pavement. Consider moisturizing your dog's pads daily, especially in hot weather, to help prevent injuries and burns.  Paw Nectar is a highly-rated, 100 percent natural, treatment for dry, cracked paws.  Use it regularly.  It will not hurt your pup if he licks it.  Paw Nectar can also be used on a dog's dry or cracking nose.

    5. Use Paw Wax

    Paw wax can easily be spread on your dog's paw pads prior to walking to protect them from rough or hot surfaces. Paw wax is designed to protect your dog's feet from several potentially harmful surfaces and chemicals, like road salts. A favorite is Musher's Secret Paw Wax, which dog owners apply for many surface solutions - ice, snow, heat, sand, rocks, gravel...etc.

  • 6. Try Dog Shoes

    Dog shoes are a good way protect your dog's paws from all kinds of harmful surfaces and potential injuries if your dog will wear them. Also, they must fit her properly or they might pose a danger.  Be aware that not all dogs can get used to dog shoes, and some might have a hard time walking in them.

    Make sure you get the right size and purchase shoes with rubber or neoprene soles, as they are most protective against damaging surfaces. There will definitely be an adjustment period for your dog trying to walk with dog shoes on, but if you can get your dog used to using them, they could be a solution for hot and cold weather hazards. You might want to read this article on how to encourage your dog to wear shoes.

  • 7. Consider All-Terrain Boots

    All-terrain boots are similar to other dog boots, but they are more rugged and, generally, more expensive. But if you have an active, athletic dog and she hikes, runs, loves the snow, sand, water, and well... hot pavement... the cost of the boots are well worth it.  Canine Equipment's Ultimate Trail Dog Boots are made of recycled rubber and have snug wrap-around closures. 

  • 8. Grab Some Socks For Your Dog's Paws

    Dog socks are intended for indoors and are a last resort solution if you need to take your dog onto the hot pavement. Make sure the socks have rubber or neoprene soles or your dog will burn his feet. Sock soles are much thinner than shoe soles.

  • 9. Get Dog Shoe Suspenders

    I didn't believe them either, but there is a solution designed for dogs who won't wear their shoes and socks. It's called Canine Footwear Suspenders Snuggy Boots. Actually they are adjustable suspenders and they don't come with snuggy boots, or any boots, but if your dog really needs to wear boots to protect him from the hot pavement or any other surface, these suspenders may be worth a try.

  • 10. Check And Clean Your Dog's Paws Frequently

    Be sure to check your dog's paw pads daily for any signs of damage and check between his paw pads for any stones or other debris; pull them out gently.  You can wipe his paws off with a room temperature damp cloth before moisturizing the pads of his feet with Paw Nectar. If you do happen to see a problem, or if your dog is acting strangely on his feet, be sure to take him to the vet.





Exercise for kids should be fun. Instead of "working out," think of it as "exercise play." It helps them to do better both academically and behaviorally.



Boy running outside with two girls in background

Running is just about the simplest form of exercise there is, and it's perfect for kids. They love it! Kids can run outdoors but also inside: in a gym, down a hallway, or even around (and around, and around) a large table. Running can also be combined with other moves into games, like relay races. More on that later!

Change things up while running: Vary movement patterns by having kids switch from running to skipping, or try running in place with feet very close to the ground (this is called "fast feet").

Kids can also run with high knees (lifting alternating knees toward the chest with each step) or "butt kicks" (kicking alternating heels toward buttocks with each step). Changes of direction (side-to-side or reverse) work both muscles and brains, improving kids' coordination.

Four kids jumping

Get those feet up and off the ground for easy exercise that kids will want to do. Jumps build muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, and endurance. Fun jumps for kids to try include:

  • Jumping Jacks: stretch arms and legs out to the side like a starfish while jumping; on the second jump, return arms to sides and legs to center on landing
  • Tuck Jumps: bend knees and lift heels high while jumping
  • Hurdle Hops: jump side-to-side or front-to-back over pretend hurdle
  • One-Foot Hops: lift one knee and jump on standing leg; alternate (this is a great balance challenge too!)
  • Criss-Cross Feet: jump straight up, then cross one foot in front of the other; on next jump, switch feet and continue.

Squats and Lunges 

Kids doing squats in gym
Hero Images / Getty Images

You do them, and kids can do them too: Bend those knees (but not too far) for squats and lunges! These simple exercises build leg strength to give kids a good foundation for all kinds of sports and fitness activities. Try forward, backward, and side lunges as well as classic squats.

You can incorporate jumps into a squat sequence by having kids hop after they stand up in between squats.


Sit-Ups and Push-Ups

Girl doing sit-ups in gym class
CulturaRM / Annie Engel / Getty Images

Hit the floor for basic exercises that work the core: Sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. Kids can do traditional abdominal crunches, bicycle crunches, legs-up sit-ups, and more. There are so many variations on the classic sit-up.

Kids can also learn to do basic push-ups and planks to strengthen their upper bodies and core muscles in the abs and back. As with other exercises like squats and lunges, incorporate these into games and other exercise activities (see next step) to keep kids engaged and having fun.


Exercise Games

Kids running in gym
John Giustina / Getty Images

To make exercise more fun for kids, turn it into a game. 

  • Squat Relay: Have kids line up on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. On "go," all kids run toward the center of the room and meet in the middle. They do three squats, giving each other a high-five with both hands in between each rep. Then they return to the starting point and repeat. The focus is on the high-fives and the social interaction. If you have a large group, you could have the lines shift sideways between reps so kids meet a different friend in the middle of the room each time.
  • Corners: Divide kids up so that they each have a home corner. Then have them run around the room in a circle, On your cue, they return to their home corner and do a few easy exercises (say, 5 jumping jacks or one 30-second plank). Let kids decide what exercises to do in each corner to give them ownership over their game.
  • Go Back and Hit It: On "go," kids run forward in designated lines (see photo). Then call out "Back" so they have to run in reverse. Finally, cue "Hit it!" to incorporate another skill, such as a tuck jump or squat. Again, give kids input on choosing the "hit it" skill.
  • Traffic: Kids stop and start at red and green lights, but they also do a side shuffle for a yellow light, do bunny hops at speed bumps, link elbows and run with a partner for a "carpool," and even gallop when the cue is "deer crossing." Make up some more moves with your kids!

Finish With Stretching

Group of young kids stretching
Ariel Skelley / Getty Images

After exercise play with kids, follow up with some simple stretches to keep muscles strong and healthy. A stretching sequence and cool-down can also help transition kids into a more relaxed state post-workout (hey, we can dream!) and help prevent injuries.

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Homer Glen, Illinois 60491

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